
Modern LiPo and LiFe batteries are very sensitive to over-discharge. 詳しくは「今すぐチェック」からご確認ください。 It allows for initial spring compression, which speeds up the trigger response significantly.And three The burst enables you to shoot a pre-determined number of BBs, which is very useful in MILSLIM and when using low-caps.This enables a reduction in a gun's rate of fire.

Just use the Tactical Programming Card or the GATE Control Station™ App to adjust the trigger to your preferences and level of skills. I will recommend this to my friends.

Allows connecting TITAN to PC/Mac as well as smartphone with Android in order to use the GATE Control Station app. When the voltage drops down to a critical level, it will not allow firing. If your airsoft gun becomes jammed, the function protects the motor and battery against damage.It automatically adjusts the motor's braking power according to your needs. Unit type: Unit type:  Configure your TITAN in the field using the outstanding Tactical Programming Card which provides you with very easy access to the Drop-in Module functions. This is also suitable for you if you decide to purchase the Programming Card or USB-Link separately.Notice: To run and set up the Drop-in Module, it is Provides you with very easy access to the Drop-in Module functions' settings anywhere you are.Notice: TITAN is not compatible with WARFET Tactical Programming Card. The USB-Link works in tandem with the GATE Control Station™ App, giving you full access to TITAN's functions and allows you to update the firmware of the drop-in module and the Tactical Programming Card. The table on the left shows differences between the BASIC and ADVANCED firmware editions.In order to upgrade your TITAN firmware from BASIC to ADVANCED, you need to purchase the upgrade:The TITAN is currently available in two firmware editions: BASIC and ADVANCED. gate® mosfetシリーズ 次世代 ver.2用 titan™ gate® warfet™フルセット warfet™モジュールのみ titan™ ver.3 フルセット titan™ ver.2 フルセット titan™ ver.2 モジュールのみ nanohard™(ナノ・ハード) merf3.2™ マーフ スリーポイントツー picoaab™ (ピコ・エーエービー) Complete Set contains TITAN with  At once you purchase TITAN with The ADVANCED firmware edition offers wide variety of functions and is dedicated for those who like complex solutions. What is the difference between using The main difference is that the The TITAN is currently available in two firmware editions: BASIC and ADVANCED.

現時点ではこのメニューの読み込みに問題があります。 オンライン通販のAmazon公式サイトなら、MLEmart GATE TITAN (タイタン) V2 NGRS BASIC SET (ドロップインモジュールのみ) 次世代電動ガン用 MOSFET フルセット (後方配線用) 【並行輸入品】を スポーツ&アウトドアストアで、いつでもお安く。当日お急ぎ便対象商品は、当日お届け可能です。

オンライン通販のAmazon公式サイトなら、MLEmart GATE TITAN (タイタン) V2 BASIC SET (ドロップインモジュールのみ) MOSFET フルセット (後方配線用) 【並行輸入品】を スポーツ&アウトドアストアで、いつでもお安く。当日お急ぎ便対象商品は、当日お届け可能です。 Are you planning a power upgrade of your gun? 有効な質問が入力されていることを確認してください。質問は編集することができます。または、そのまま投稿してください。 In that case, you need a MOSFET.It targets the energy from the battery directly to the motor, bypassing the mechanical trigger contacts. If you do not want to damage the battery and you care about its service life, this protection is indispensable. You do not have to disassemble your AEG. During the first shot, the microprocessor sets the ROF Control to 100%. Therefore, even the shortest trigger action produces at least one full cycle.Thanks to the cycle detection function you get:Victory in the game is often a matter of fractions of seconds. USB-Link for GATE Control Station™ app [USB-L2] Allows connecting TITAN to PC/Mac as well as smartphone with Android in order to use the GATE Control Station app. When I bought NanoAAB, I thought: ‘ it looks like a high end computer device’. Then you don’t need the second Tactical Programming Card and the second USB-Link from the complete set. Thanks to PRE-COCKING, you gain a trigger reaction similar to a real gun. You should program your TITAN before the first use. This is why we have developed the Smart Trigger function.

Then you do not need the second USB-Link from the Advanced or Complete set. 販売価格(税込): 1,100~3,300 円. ics製ar(m4)系、krytac製ar系、lct製g3シリーズへの組み込みには加工が必要です。 別途加工メニューの同時購入をお願 … Check the availability of TITAN … Activate AUG Mode and set two different trigger sensitivities.

In the future, the EXPERT edition will be also available. It fits my AEG even though I thought it is impossible to put a mosfet in it.Thank you guys for your great support! I have been using it for more than three years and it still works very well.A big plus for your smallest mosfet – PicoSSR3. After the first shot, it switches to a previously programmed value (e.g.

*TITAN detects the number of cells automatically. This prolongs the lifespan of the motor.Do you want to achieve a higher ROF and faster trigger response? Enjoy two stage trigger. Kit contents: USB-Link for GCS app; USB-C cable [0.6 m / 1 ft 11 in] Micro-USB cable [0.6 m / 1 ft 11 in] Simply update the firmware and/or adjust the settings at home, using the USB-Link and the GATE Control Station™ computer App. Pulling the trigger slightly produces SEMI or BURST fire and pulling the trigger further produces BURST or AUTO fire (depending on the fire selector mode).Protection against Over-Discharge of the Battery. TITAN V3 Basic Module 特徴・出回っている電子トリガーの中でも世界最高峰の電子トリガー・動作部品全てを光センサーで検知、制御可能で物理スイッチを一切使用していない為 圧倒的な長寿命を実現! 質問を入力してください。

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