Triple doubles nba


Sura intentionally missed a layup in the final moments of a 129-107 …

Every All logos are the trademark & property of their owners and not Sports Reference LLC. Stats Central - Triple-Doubles … How many triple doubles in the 2019-2020 NBA season? 48 - triple doubles at home. By Evan Pickering Feb 22, 2014. That was just the start for Westbrook, who already has 3 consecutive triple-double seasons after doing it again in 2018 and 2019. In short, turnovers do not count towards a triple double.
All Rights Reserved. LeBron James made triple-double history Tuesday night when he became the first player to post a triple-double against every team in the NBA. In the 1961-62 season, the Big O had 41 triple-doubles in 79 games and averaged 30.8 points, 12.5 rebounds and 11.4 assists as a member of the Cincinnati Royals.

But not many players can excel in all phases of the game at the same time.To achieve a triple-double, a player must tally double-digit stats in three of the five main statistical categories – points, rebounds, assists, steals and blocks.While there have been triple-doubles that have featured steals and blocks, they are very rare. In the 1961-62 season, the Big O had 41 triple-doubles in 79 games and averaged 30.8 points, 12.5 rebounds and 11.4 assists as a member of the Cincinnati Royals. Hawks guard Bob Sura was only one rebound from a triple-double against the Nets in April 2004. Copyright © 2000-2020

Robertson is the only player to ever average a triple-double for an entire season. In Statista.

The most common triple-double consists of at least 10 points, 10 rebounds and 10 assists in a single game.Robertson is the only player to ever average a triple-double for an entire season. We present them here for purely educational purposes. Vince Carter (2007): 46 points, 16 rebounds, 12 assists – Jason Kidd also had a triple-double in this game, the first time since 1989 that two teammates recorded a triple-double in the same game. He spent his 14-year career with the Cincinnati Royals and Milwaukee Bucks, winning an NBA championship in 1971.When it comes to all-around play, Robertson remains the player that all others are compared to. Triple-Doubles in the 2019-20 NBA Regular Season Players with the most triple-doubles in the … 0 - playoff triple doubles.
NBA, & Basketball Reference. And not just any triple-double: Sura was looking for his third triple-double in as many games. NBA & ABA Year-by-Year Leaders and Records for Triple-Doubles.

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