スタート レック ヴォイジャー


Former Maquis and Betazoid Lon Suder confesses to the murder and offers no explanation.Voyager comes across a ship that has been destroyed, and upon investigation discovers that B'Elanna Torres is responsible.While Voyager investigates a comet, the crew accidentally releases a member of the Q Continuum who has been imprisoned for over 300 years.The Doctor saves a Vidiian dying from the Phage by placing her consciousness in a holographic body -- and he thinks he's falling in love with her.Paris leaves Voyager and joins a Talaxian space convoy. An alien species, functioning only in a dream world, traps the crew in a shared dream.Using an alien communications net, Voyager sends the Doctor to the Federation ship USS Prometheus, only to find that it has been taken by Romulans.Voyager starts to receive news from home, both good and bad. The Doctor develops an experimental procedure to extend Kes's lifespan.The Doctor creates a holographic family, but B'Elanna thinks the simulation is too "nice." When Neelix begins to bond with them, he makes a major decision.When the captain and the Doctor are kidnapped, their captors force the Doctor to return to the Voyager disguised as Janeway to manipulate the crew.Ten years after Voyager's return from a 23-year journey across the galaxy, Adm. Janeway breaks all the temporal rules and journeys back in time.Questions? Janeway and her crew encounter the Kazon and other new Delta Quadrant enemies as they continue the long, perilous journey back to Earth.Voyager answers an ancient SOS distress and finds eight humans -- including Amelia Earhart -- in cryo-stasis on a nearby planet.Chakotay is captured by a young Kazon who is undergoing a manhood ritual.The program for the Emergency Medical Hologram is activated due to what the computer describes as a ship-wide emergency.Voyager encounters new life forms that have a very unusual attraction to the ship.Harry Kim wakes up in San Francisco having never been assigned to Voyager, which Starfleet considers lost.Voyager encounters a mysterious energy field that surrounds the ship and disrupts the crew's communications system.After a disagreement, Neelix and Paris are trapped on an alien planet and must work together so that they and their alien baby ward can survive.The Voyager crew enters a new region of space and begins to see hallucinations. スタートレック ヴォイジャー フォース・シーズン VOL.2【二カ国語版】 [Laser Disc] Laser Disc ¥9,000 ¥9,000. Desperate for supplies, Voyager later finds an eager trader.Returning from an away mission, the Delta Flyer is boarded -- and Tuvok is assaulted by a cloaked alien from a xenophobic race called the Ba'Neth.Voyager is pulled into a subspace corridor, traveling 200 light-years until pushed out by the Turei, who claim ownership of the labyrinth.Voyager encounters a graviton ellipse, a dangerous phenomenon that emerges from subspace on rare occasions.When Seven of Nine upgrades her Borg alcove to assimilate mass amounts of data, it leads to allegations of conspiracy aboard Voyager.Back on Earth, Lt. Barclay uses holograms to formulate a plan to open communications with Voyager.Voyager's crew takes part in Paris's latest holodeck getaway in a picturesque Irish coastal town, where Janeway and a pub owner become close.Voyager is trapped in orbit above a strange planet where time passes a thousandfold faster than the surrounding galaxy.One species so appreciates the Doctor's singing talent that he considers resigning his commission and staying on with his millions of adoring fans.Members of an away mission start dreaming about a species they've never encountered, who are in a gruesome battle on an unknown planet.When Seven of Nine and Tuvok are kidnapped while on an away mission, Seven is forced to fight in a gladiatorial competition -- to the death.Several Borg children abduct Chakotay, Kim, Neelix and Paris.Revisiting holographic town Fair Haven proves dangerous for Paris and Kim as program characters see Voyager crew members altering program elements.Crew member Lyndsay Ballard, who died on an away mission and was given a traditional burial in space three years earlier, resurfaces.Seven of Nine should be overjoyed after Icheb's parents are located, but she's suspicious when told about his original assimilation's circumstances.In Seven of Nine's assessment of shipwide efficiency, she brings attention to three "black sheep" crew members who've slipped through the cracks.A clever trio of identity thieves claiming to be Janeway, Chakotay and Tuvok makes trades all over the quadrant and gives Voyager a bad name.When Kim and B'Elanna take the Delta Flyer in search of dilithium, they crash-land on a prewarp planet, where B'Elanna is found by a local poet.Kes returns to Voyager.

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