Solaris10 Extended Support


Customers are encouraged to move to Oracle Solaris 11, but while they are still on Oracle Solaris 10, they are urged to    As noted in "Support Entitlement for Java SE When Used As Part of Another Oracle Product" ( Customers who have Oracle products and use the JRE or JDK are entitled, without the need to separately purchase Oracle Java SE Support, to do the following:  In most cases, this means that Oracle customers are expected to download and install Java SE updates and patches only on those servers licensed to use an Oracle product, and to configure the downloaded Java SE version to be used only with the Oracle product. Some partners have given clients access using their partner CSI, but that can end up with heavy fines and penalties for the partner when Oracle figures it out.This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. The Oracle Solaris 10 release notes documents important installation and runtime issues and bugs. Would like to make sure until when customer can use this environment with support. 64-bit SPARC: Dual Basic Rate ISDN Interface and Multimedia Codec Chips . The least amount of disruption to your Oracle Solaris 10 SPARC environments would be to move the Oracle Solaris 10 environment to guest domains (LDOMs) managed by Oracle VM Server for SPARC. Seems they procured some nice T5 and M3000 servers for a DR environment. Given that they have a M3000 and a T5, they might find that a new server would have been cheaper for the DR site, as the new CPUs would require fewer cores, saving on both licenses and physical servers.As far as getting support for Solaris 10, with no MOS support contract, they don’t have many legal choices.
Some Oracle products are licensed as server products, but also contain client applications or client-side libraries. Welche PHP-Versionen sind betroffen?

32-bit x86: Extended Memory File System Support.

First, there is a support uplift with Extended Support, if you need Solaris 10, expect to pay a little more for support. Extended support is basically the same as Premier Support, other than a few major changes.

Wir möchten Ihnen diese Leistung als Option gerne weiter anbieten. According to the following reference, the end of support for Solaris 10 has been extended from Jan 2021 to Jan 2024. Release: Release Date: End of … For information about how we can help with a Solaris 11 upgrade e-mail terry[dot]synoptix[dot]ie for details. Seit 2014 übernimmt 1&1 aktiv den Support für Sie: Der 1&1 Extended Support für PHP ermöglicht es Ihnen, PHP 4 für Ihre Projekte weiterhin sicher einzusetzen.

Oracle doesn’t sell SPARC Solaris Support anymore. Follow us: Oracle Solaris 10 1/13 Release Notes Oracle Solaris 10 1/13 Information Library ... Solstice Enterprise Agents Support. Oracle Solaris 10 is now in Extended Support (from Jan 2018) and access to patches is curtailed even if you have an existing Premier support contract. zic -s Option Support. Oracle had decided in September 2019 that Extended Support for Solaris 10, without …

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