Solaris 10 eol


(Question) Is this correct information? And after 10 years it is 15% per year. (Question) Do you have any plan to extend this to Jan 2024? According to the same reference with above, the end of support for Cluster software 3.3.u2 is still Jan 2021. * Available via download or media kits. *Note: The interim Solaris 10 3/05 HW 1 and HW 2 releases are no longer Migration to an Oracle Solaris Zone on an Oracle Solaris 10 Host. Oracle set a retirement date of January 2021. Currently our customer uses Solaris 10 and Solaris Cluster 3.3u2 under SPARC T4-1. If we want to continue to use Solaris 10 after 2021 onwards, what action is required Cluster software point of view?See
Migration to an Oracle Solaris Zone on an Oracle Solaris 11 Host. Welcome to Oracle CommunitiesRegister and Participate in Oracle's online communities. Do not use DVD+R DL (dual layer) discs.There are a variety of types of VMs for Oracle Solaris, for bothYou can order a media kit that includes DVD install media for both SPARC and X86 systems.This utility evaluates an Oracle Solaris 10 host for migration into an Oracle Solaris Zone. Solaris 10: Extended Support to 2024 Learn from thousand of experts, get answers to your questions and share knowledge with peers.Hi Team, I would like to do double check with you for the end of support timing for Solaris 10 and Solaris Cluster 3.3u2.Currently our customer uses Solaris 10 and Solaris Cluster 3.3u2 under SPARC T4-1.Would like to make sure until when customer can use this environment with support. Are there any additional cost required for using till Jan 2024? Hello there, I have a customer that have an ancient custom made solution which is working under SUN Solaris 5.10 platform and this particular solution is unchangeable due to a bunch of customer related reasons. Applies to: Solaris Operating System - Version 8.0 and later Trusted Solaris Operating System - Version 8 FCS and later Solaris x64/x86 Operating System - Version 8 6/00 U1 and later All Platforms Oracle Solaris on SPARC (64-bit) Would like to make sure until when customer can use this environment with support. It doesn't, however, include new hardware support. As with earlier versions, several Solaris 10 update releases are planned to come out prior to the next Solaris version. 2. Not all DVD burners support both. (Question) Is this correct information? As shown above in Figure 1, the Solaris life cycle is defined by seven major events: E1. It’s also an apt reminder for Oracle customers that they need to keep pace with advancements in technology, anticipate how these changes will impact their business needs, and take the proper steps to mitigate any inefficiencies that may arise. Last updated on MARCH 10, 2020This document describes the Extended and Sustaining Support stages of Lifetime Support for Solaris Operating System (OS) releases that have reached the end of the Premier Support stage. Confirm the end of life timing for Solaris 10 and clustering software. Solaris OS releases 7 and earlier all reached their end of service life prior to the Oracle acquisition of Sun and are not supported by Oracle. There are DVD-R/DVD-RW as well as DVD+R/DVD+RW recordable DVDs.

According to the same reference with above, the end of support for Cluster software 3.3.u2 is still Jan 2021. Please see the Oracle Software Technical Support Policies document located on for additional terms and descriptions.

Make sure you select the option in your DVD creation software to "create a DVD from an iso image". Oracle Corp. apparently has made a fresh round of job cuts, this time affecting its Solaris and Scalable Processor Architecture business units.The layoffs were revealed a few days ago by a number Solaris 10, becomes available in the market.

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