Call for require


need. Find descriptive alternatives for require. 2. Definition of require. inquire. 2 a : to call for as suitable or appropriate the occasion requires formal dress. To summon or request someone or something: As I neared home, I could hear my mother calling for me. 2. b archaic : request. While all these words mean "to ask or call for something as due or as necessary," require suggests the imperativeness that arises from inner necessity, compulsion of law or regulation, or the exigencies of the situation. call for 1. See more. (2) publicly asking for or demanding something. suggest. require. To have as a need or prerequisite:
To be a proper or sufficient occasion for: ask for. request. call for 1. b : to demand as necessary or essential : have a compelling need for all living beings require food. Require definition, to have need of; need: He requires medical care. ask, demand, entail, involve, necessitate, require, take. transitive verb. want.

But while we do justice to others, we must require that justice be done to us.To be so particular as you require in subjects of conversation, it is impossible to be short.What Do “a.m.” And “p.m.” Stand For?Absentee Ballot vs. Mail-In Ballot: Is There A Difference?I am glad that there is soothing in these dried leaves for those who require it.This may make a good depot if we require to stay long in this neighbourhood.How Many Words Are There In The English Language?“Affect” vs. “Effect”: Use The Correct Word Every TimeI require your confidence for what I have already said; but I know you have money, and moneyed friends.It will require sacrifice, but it can be done, and done fairly.But you will require no more on this subject—I must be left master of myself.Some cans, however, require that the lids be soldered in place.Will she require me to look after her in the matter of pepper and salt?They may walk, to be sure, but it is exactly the inducement to walk that they require. justify, occasion, warrant. To require or demand something: The recent surge in crime calls for a strong community response. 4. involve. “Call for the police, please!” ------------ “Require” normally refers to: (1) causing to be necessary (similar to “call for” in this case) “It requires a lot of research to find out a cure for this virus.”.
英語 (アメリカ) @sakalisian012 “Call for” normally refers to: (1) something that's necessary: “Desperate times call for desperate measures.”. To be an appropriate occasion for something: This happy news calls for champagne. Some common synonyms of require are claim, demand, and exact. 3. To ask for urgently or insistently: 3. 1 a : to claim or ask for by right and authority. Synonyms for call for. Synonyms for require at with free online thesaurus, antonyms, and definitions.

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