Bass of Doom Robert Trujillo


There are people out there who will do the right thing.

Be sure to check out our new Holographic Sticker too! It should be returned to the Jamerson family just as the “Bass Of Doom” was, and then the Jamersons should have say on what happens to it. Had Robert not gotten involved at all, this legendary bass may not have ever been found or recovered.It belongs in a Museum. But he also had a serious addiction problem and took it out on others, on his family, on himself.RIP, JacoIt belongs to me , me thinks, lol. It has a special place in the history of the bass guitar, not to mention music in general. I'm its legal owner, but I made a point of ensuring that any decision made about the instrument has to go through the family. :)I have followed this story for as long as i can remember. To comment on a or it's a one-off, custom build built for him. And the same thing with the song 'Therapy' which featured Ozzy, so it's all there. On July 4th 1986 the shop owner was invited to a Jam session on the corner of Sullivan and Bleeker street. July 13, 2020, 13 days ago Sting?

!Probably the most legendary bass of all time. He did it privately at first, then some people thought he took the bass for himself, but he did pay so that the family could hold it. That jam session was performed by the duo on top of the truck. He has other plans as for keeping the bass for his self or he wouldn’t have got mixed up in this.

They could have done a better job with Bass Curation.What about Jaco’s 1960 jazz bass ? I agree with the post that is still hopeful for the recovery of “The Funk Machine” to a point. July 18, 2020, 8 days ago They made some odd choices with basses, though. about 60 seconds after I sat down, Jaco walks in. Although you are correct about most of how he took his frets out he did not take them out with a butter knife but needle nose pliers. …what exactly did trujillo doRob paid to get the matter resolved, a guy who had the bass refused to give it back to the family, the matter got to court, got settled after 2 years only because Rob had the means to do it (and decided he could afford to). Robert Trujillo, bass guitarist for Metallica, considered Jaco Pastorius to be one of his heroes, and he felt that the family ought to have the bass.

And, while the bouncer in Florida who killed him obviously did us all a disservice, it was hard for me to imagine how a bouncer wouldn’t have thrown someone behaving like that out of a club. That bass was offered to be returned by the new owner to Jaco in the early evening after Ingrid who had taken a plane up from Florida on Jaco’s insistence, who had met him at the opposite corner. The Bass of Doom is not a "masterpiece", it's just an instrument that was used at one point by a great bassist, that later got smashed and rebuilt. And that way it won’t end up in a pawn shop or e-bay.‘the fuck have you been smoking?I just got back from the terrific show “Play It Loud,” at the Met Museum in New York City (2019). Larry Graham?

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