the office ネットフリックス


Michael lets a big secret slip while showing pictures of his Jamaica trip.Jim and Dwight are forced to team up when Michael sends the staff out on sales calls. Meanwhile, Pam deals with the guest list for the wedding.David Wallace breaks the bad news that not everyone will get a raise this year, and Dwight reaches his breaking point with Jim.In part 1 of a 2-part episode, the office travels to Niagara Falls to celebrate Jim and Pam's wedding under orders not to mention Pam's pregnancy.In part 2 of a 2-part episode, Michael, Dwight and Andy all want to hook up with guests at Jim and Pam's wedding, and Michael and Dwight meet twins.Michael meets with an insurance salesman in the office, but Dwight and Andy think he's part of the mafia. Meanwhile, Pam conspires to change her job title.Andy invites the entire office to his community theater production of "Sweeney Todd," while Jim and Pam struggle with their incompetent babysitter.Michael, believing he has herpes, contacts all his ex-girlfriends. Michael forces Pam to throw a second Christmas party.Michael wants to throw a second Christmas party to celebrate Holly's returns to Scranton. Call Netflix Canada Erin struggles with her dislike of her boyfriend, Gabe.Michael, about to leave for Colorado, says his goodbyes to each co-worker. Jan wants another chance with Michael.Jim and Pam finally get together but try to keep the news under wraps.

When Michael spills the beans, Dwight and Andy take matters into their own hands.Michael and Dwight go undercover to spy on a rival paper company. Dwight makes Angela jealous when he starts dating a Brussels sprout farmer. Back at the office, Dwight tries to capture a bat.During a party at the chief financial officer's home, Michael spills the beans about his relationship with Jan. And Pam gets assertive with Roy.An angry Roy storms into the office looking to hurt Jim, but an unexpected hero stops him. Meanwhile, Jim starts an Employee of the Month program to improve morale.Michael is outraged when Jim allows Phyllis to be Santa at the office Christmas party. Meanwhile, trouble brews among several employees over the term "Casual Fridays. 17. Meanwhile, Andy learns that Erin isn't returning to Scranton.As Andy heads south to Florida to sweep Erin off her feet, Nellie makes herself at home in his office in Scranton.As Erin and Andy plot how he should break up with Jessica, Robert California orders the office to throw a welcome party for Nellie.Andy's job -- and manhood -- are called into question as he returns with Erin to Scranton.Unemployed Andy crashes a fundraiser for the Senator -- and ends up the unlikely owner of a dozen disabled dogs.A drunken Robert California closes a branch, igniting a sales war.Dwight raises suspicions by offering free portraits; Andy returns with some self-satisfying news.The employees at Dunder Mifflin Paper Company continue to deal with warring egos, office pranks, boredom and wildly inappropriate behavior.Jim and Dwight are thrown off by the arrival of two young employees that the others dub "the new Jim" and "Dwight Jr." Andy returns from training.Pam and Jim go to Roy's wedding, where his toast takes everyone by surprise -- causing Pam and Jim to examine their own relationship.Andy learns he is related to Michelle Obama, causing a stir around the office.

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