Everything like such as


I only came to this realization on a second binge[...]

Women have a sophisticated array of psychological adaptations to weed out the unfit and select the best available mate and one of the most reliable and elegant ways to do this is to set onerous rules that only low-status men will adhere to, exposing the Milhouse mindset of “When she sees I’ll do anything she tells me to, she’s bound to respect me!” so those men can be eliminated from her enquiries. There are practically NO[...]My life completely changed the day I became a dog mom.
2014-03-08 15:33:39 Have SSD + a 1T drive, and it really does (literally, including hidden files) find everything on the computer. I mean i’m not uneducated, but what you have written here is really really dense and im having a hard time making sense of it.

And women can control this aspect entirely.Not really. "Simply Awesome!

(Although it's gotten me kind of lazy to remember, or write down, where I stored various files. So is that a #metoo moment? People need to stop regarding everyone who is experiencing a negative emotion in reaction to life experience as a person who has been “harmed”.“To that end, we argue that it is extremely difficult to engage in casual sexual encounters without incurring the significant risk of harming one’s sexual partner—a notion that our sexually-liberated society seems unwilling to consider.”I like where this is going.I came to the same conclusion in my comment below. Her daughter got pregnant from her lover, and mom decided that he had to marry her, yes dear, not only the pleasure, also the duty!Are you wearing your “Sarah Palin is a Cunt” tee-shirt today? The rule of thumb should always be to place the onus of the decision and the responsibility for it on the individual making it.Absolutely. You change the way the game is played. Here is a perfect example of this from the NYT: This women had a tinder hookup and the guy didn’t call her back. If anything, to say that women are more vulnerable to transactional losses in hookups seems to understate the case—women take a huge gamble when they engage in casual hookups, and when her sexual partner fails to realize this, or take the necessary precautions, the result will be a feeling of violation, a feeling of being harmed, a feeling of being taken advantage of.The inherent riskiness of casual transactional sexual encounters helps to illuminate why consent has become such a murky and unhelpful concept. Olson: I finally understand why you’re so angry and embittered all the time, especially toward women. Many reasonable women want to date men at or below their level of attractiveness. 2014-10-22 10:07:52

I knew in this extremely liberal city, the hometown of Barack Obama, that I would not get lynched, but I wasn’t expecting so many compliments. What a novel idea a woman can be the one who did the wrong thing in a sexual encounter! Watch the people around you. John B. Calhoun’s mouse experiments come to mind. Followers. Meaning if the boy got X and girl got Y they would have bet (X-Y) where Boy (X-Y) < Girl (X-Y) = Boy Benefit < Girl Benefit.

Yet Girl made a fuss and Boy got the short end of the stick. What one could understand from this is that the loss of Boy is greater than loss of Girl.

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