Akm pubg damage


R1895 55. The A powerful assault rifle that uses 7.62mm ammunition, this rifle does more damage than the 5.56mm assault rifles and comes with a kick to match. Thus, it is not recommended to engage sufficiently armored players at longer ranges as the recoil and lower bullet velocity compared to other rifles will prove landing consistent hits difficult. Win94 66. The following are attachable to this firearm: AKM is one of the most popular and used firearms in PUBG Mobile. G36C 41. PUBG Mobile AKM gun, image via pubg gamepedia Ammo: 7.62mm; Damage: 47; Rate of fire: 0.100s; Reload Duration: 2.90s AKM is a popular Assault Rifle which uses 7.62mm ammo.
Restricted big scopes (8x and up) for use with all AR's. The special drop has special weapons like Groza, AWM, Level 3 Helmet, Bag, Armour, etc. The AKM (Avtomat Kalashnikova Modernizirovanny, lit. Let’s compare to find a better gun for you here. Players usually use the gun during medium to long-range engagements. AKM damage, stats and best attachments. Reduced base damage of AKM and Groza from 49 to 47. SKS 53. Sawed-Off 20 9. It is a unique pistol. Players are often confused regarding which guns they should pick.

However, regular practice with the gun can help the players master it in a short span of time. DBS 26 9. You can’t kill a distant enemy with his weapons. SLR 58. Groza 47. Although pistols are not so much popular in pubg mobile still it can help you out in many conditions.”This is not any damaging pistol. You will get these things only if you fire it inside the play zone. Headshots: Bodyshots: Limbshots: Headshots: Bodyshots: Limbshots: Game content and materials are trademarks and copyrights of their respective publisher and its licensors. You will get a special airdrop if you fire it in the air.
Mk14 61. Gun damage PUBG Mobile | AWM, UMP9, AKM, Groza…. Both the AKM and DP-28 are impressive weapons. Iron sight Only three throwable items (which deals some damage) are provided in pubg mobile which are Frag Grenade, Stun Grenade, and Molotov. Hence, players should use AKM only if they are confident with it. Both go these guns are quite similar and use the 7.62 mm cartridge. QBZ 41. In what world does this work? They are addicted to their virtual chicken dinner. Increased reload time by 10% for the AKM. You also get smoke grenade but that is used to create smoke in a particular place.Melee weapons are those weapons which are used in Close Hand-To-Hand combat. It has a slow firing rate and really long reload time.

Moreover, these two guns are different in recoil, damage per hit, reload time, capacity, and firing rate. In regards to attachments, the AKM is identical to the M16A4 in that it can only accept a muzzle, magazine and sight attachment. M24 75. Aniket Thakkar FOLLOW. Updated weapons stats; Added new weapons; Improved usability; 0.96 20.11.2017. The AKM will deal maximum damage within 50 meters, beyond that distance damage will continually decrease out to 290 meters. Changelog 1.00 28.5.2018. At close to medium ranges, it is notable in that even if a target is wearing a military vest and/or Spetsnaz helmet, it only takes a maximum of five shots to kill. QBU 48. They play this game the whole day. UI icon Only Crossbow fall in this Category in PUBG Mobile.It will hardly take 1 minute to complete our survey. It is also capable of killing a Spetsnaz helmet wearer in two shots by landing a shot on the head, then finishing them off with another shot to any other part of their body. However, the history of the game suggests that it can perform in close combats equally well.DP-28 has some cons as well. Inventory tooltip. They play this game the whole day. M416 40.

Crossbow 105. Feature . It is best used in single-shot mode except when attempting to breach buildings with it. Beryl M762 46 * M16A4 43 * AUG 41. G36C has a much higher fire rate compared to AKM with less bullet drop (easier long-range targeting). It is very powerful in a short-range but it is useless for distant enemies.” “Pistols are a small handgun. People of all age group are addicted to this game. DP-28 has a low skill cap and is easier to use than the AKM. The AKM is an assault rifle type weapon in BATTLEGROUNDS. SHARE. The gun fires 30 bullets with a single magazine and inflicts high damage.

* The AKM has a higher recoil than the M762. UMP45 41 * Tommy Gun 40.

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